What’s Your Superpower?

Recently, I was invited to give a talk, on the topic of Meeting Management, to a client’s leadership team. This, in their quest to make meetings more productive.

Fortunately, there were enough new people on the team that the leader asked each of her members to introduce themselves and, to get to know one another a little bit, to share their superpower.

That was a perfect way to introduce myself and the approach led directly into my talk!

I often use movie references to get points across in a more impactful way. In this instance, I went with Taken, starring Liam Neeson. The scene: Liam is on the phone with the human traffickers who kidnapped his daughter. He says: I have a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.

My version of those lines would go: I have a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that enable me to get massive amounts of sh*t done in a highly efficient manner.

THAT is my superpower. And, I can teach you how to do the same.

First, if you haven’t done so already, check out the MANY blog posts I’ve published on this very topic. While some of the posts are within the context of project management, they are ALL about getting things done in a highly productive manner.

For example, there are posts on:

To be clear, when each of the above are done extremely well, a person or organization will literally run circles around everyone else. When not done well, the inherent inefficiencies are painfully obvious.

Know that this isn’t rocket science. And, you need not be a workaholic. Working smarter, not harder, is merely a set of skills, applied with discipline and focus.

That’s it!

And, if you happen to be a leader / manager, or are aspiring to become so, then these skills represent an absolute foundation that you MUST master as I would suggest that no-one has the right to manage other people’s time until they have become the master of their own.

If you are looking to improve your or your organization’s productivity please reach out so that we can talk about how we can help you, as we are our existing clients 😎

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